
作者:incubator 於 2018年09月19日 13:30:00

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Welcome to join 2018 Conference on Innovative Low-Carbon and Green Buildings in Subtropical Area that will be held on October 14th to 17th in Taipei, Taiwan. 

Taiwan following the global pulse in pursuing a sustainable living environment has been striving to establish a comprehensive green building promotion mechanism for the subtropical region for more than decades. Today, in order to respond to the greater challenge of global climate change that lies ahead, we are calling for cross-disciplinary solutions, successful practices, community actions, joint effort and the creative ideas to elicit the innovative green building schemes and to enrich the way connecting green building initiative. We hope that through the knowledge transfer-platform of conference and the contribution provided by all the stakeholders, we may have better insights into the changing world and adopt concrete action to protect the plant in which we are dwelling. We look forward to meeting you in Taipei and believe that your participation will make the event unique and the interchange more fruitful.

為具體呈現臺灣綠建築之執行成效與落實國際接軌交流,對外提升臺灣在國際的能見度,內政部建築研究所將於107年10月14日至17日於國立臺灣科技大學舉辦「2018環亞熱帶創新低碳綠建築國際研討會」(2018 Conference on Innovative Low-Carbon and Green Buildings in Subtropical Area),向國際展現臺灣綠建築的研究成果與推動經驗之外,並讓國人透過國際研討會瞭解國際最新發展趨勢,除有許多重量級的國際組織貴賓及專家學者參與外,也邀請到全球十多個國家的代表共同與會,是近年我國在建築領域最大型的國際研討會,歡迎國內、外建築相關領域之專家學者、從業人員等踴躍報名參加,國際研討會相關訊息可至活動官網(http://www.2018ilcgb.tw)查詢。





聯絡人資訊: 內政部建築研究所環境控制組/紀雯玲/Tel: (02)8912-7890 #286